Retail & Office Space
Originally small town retail & apartments, followed by the home of the J&B Repair Garage, housed this site in Historic Sykesville, MD. It was determined that a 7,000 sq. ft. office/retail building could fit within the parameters of the historic district guidelines. Initial concepts were developed which maintained the existing Main Street façade. However, as the project progressed, the poor condition of the existing building became evident. Together the client and the town agreed to proceed with an entirely new building for the site. It was designed to look as if it had been on the site for 100 years. The exterior material is brick and simulated wood siding with true divided lite windows. It is very much in keeping with the historic streetscape. The Owner/Contractor has chosen to relocate his corporate offices to the site and has occupied a portion of the second level tenant space. Due to the infill nature of this project, much coordination with the local jurisdictions and historic preservation agencies had to take place. On the approach to the project, one could imagine that this building has existed there as long as the Town of Sykesville.